The news last night said we would be getting heavy snow, so we were up early, so William left early, so if it did drop heavy, he can leave early, but so far it's 1:05 pm and no snow, just rain :\ I am kind of bummed out a bit lol because I did want to see snow, I would have used a cute icon but OMG there is no snow icon with these smiles except for this little cute guy (that doesn't show up anymore lol) I am so disappointed. Anyway, we'll see what the rest of the day brings us. So I started using the PingFM service (no longer works as of 2021), so it can read all the places I post, and at one point I was double posting haha, so I had to take care of that, but the service is so awesome! I also have it on my desktop and just today I installed it on my Blackberry, woohoo go me lol. Oh I spoke too soon, as of 1:21 pm it has started Continue Reading