Big Sunday last night, True Blood premiere, and the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Laker played the 5th game of the Finals. The Celtics won last night, was a good game. I didn’t watch it all but did watch some of the beginning of the game and the ending hehe. Next game I will be watching a bit more, as that may be the last game they play. You know I grew up with the Lakers being the favorite in the family, but you know as I grew older, I started to realise that I wanted to have my own team I liked. That I didn’t have to like the Lakers because everyone in my family did, and not because they were my home team, same with the Dodgers. So that is why I am sure my siblings are surprised I am not really into the Lakers. Oh and did I ever mention, I hate Purple lol. How funny is that. Anyway since I had to miss either True Blood or the game, I went with missing True Blood, because I can always find it online somewhere to watch.
We’ve been discussing the bathroom window recently, its not a large window, but big enough to make me feel uncomfortable, as it has no curtain and is the only source of light from outside, anyway so William put this picture frame hanging from the window. I like it, it gives a sense of privacy but still not yet enough. So like usual I got browsing around the internet and stumbled upon this website of Window Film and More, I did my browsing. I discovered they have such a large assortment of window films, some beautiful patterns, but as I mentioned about the bathroom window. I found this pattern similar to stained glass, it has 2 doves, so pretty!! I thought it would be perfect for the window. Ok well I think it would be nice, I have to admit if it was a lighthouse it would of been better as the picture frame he had was of a lighthouse. There was another there also stained glass type, no particular pattern more abstract than anything. I really liked these two, so I guess I have something to show William hehe. I checked their prices, they are incredible, they also have ‘How To Install’ instructions, this can’t get any easier. If you are looking for some kind of window film, you really need to visit this website because it’s not just your standard black tint stuff there, they really have an amazing collection of window film, oh gosh yeah they also have Solar window film isn’t that awesome!? You know I personally think this window film would be great for security purposes as well. Gosh I can’t brag enough about it. Check it out!
I downloaded this really cute theme for my blackberry. I love it to bits. But recently I noticed, not sure if it’s because of this particular theme, but when I click on something the window loads slow, so slow that I have to run my finger over everything to see the change. I am not sure what it is. I was trying to browse crackberry forum, but on my mobile was slower, so figured I’d wait until today after posting my blog, thank I can go an browse and see what is going on. I love love this theme, and it’s annoying when things load slow, it’s the type of theme that also has a slide screen. I’ve had a few like that but really love this one much more.
What’s going on with the weather? I thought it was summer? lol. We’ve been getting cloudy days, rain and even fog. Wow it’s s weird, in Calif we would say it’s earthquake weather lol. I doubt we’ll have an earthquake here in Mass. Anyway it’s lunch time. I want to get myself something to eat, and perhaps get some laundry done too. Have a great week everyone.
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