It seems like when I do post, I complain about something. I suppose since this is my website, my blog, I pay for it, I should and could talk about anything I want. Which I do, which includes my everyday struggles, good and bad times. Well that would also include any complaining or bitching I want to do lol. Prepare yourself LOL. No, it won't be that bad. I have so many things I want to talk about but I don't because somethings are just too private, that I don't want to share. So for the last like two weeks, I started to feel my back ache a bit more, than finally last week, it just started to become so painful, so as usual I'll tweet about it lol. It was pretty bad, it scared me at one point, the feeling of being an invalid, not being able to do things normally as I'm use to. Well its still stiff in the mornings, or if I sit for too long, Continue Reading
Archives for August 2010
And She’s Gone …
That's right, early this morning we took Alice to the Rhode Island train station, I was a bit annoyed, not at her or anyone but at Four Square, their servers were down and I couldn't check in, BOOO!!! So I guess I'll live without it. You know I use to twitter and I really wish they would come up with a better app, so that if I wanted to I can post pictures to twitter and such. I use seesmic now because they allow me to use my account on it, it's much nicer to look at, compared to the one I used before. I post to other places so that's why I use to do my tweeting. I got off track. So I walked with her to get her ticket, and gave hugs. I felt kind of sad leaving her there. I will miss her even though she thinks I won't. She's been a special person in my life, and even though best friends hit a lot of road bumps, we Continue Reading
Four Days & Counting
Not that it's bad, but yes 4 days until Alice returns to England, aww I'll miss her, she did a lot while being here in the US. Seen a lot of friends, went to several states. I hope one day to be able to go around Europe like that, it would be so much fun. I had a chance to go to a few places like Ireland, Spain, England, but I want to see more. Well I am being distracted again lol. It happens quite often when I am blogging. I need to run and get the laundry and then finish this post. I was just thinking how I like summers in California more than I do here in Massachusetts, they are much more humid here. But I have to deal with it as best I can. Who knows maybe I'll move back to California :) I feel I've been all over the place today, not really staying put to do stuff on eBay like I wanted. I suppose having Alice over would take up Continue Reading