It seems like when I do post, I complain about something. I suppose since this is my website, my blog, I pay for it, I should and could talk about anything I want. Which I do, which includes my everyday struggles, good and bad times. Well that would also include any complaining or bitching I want to do lol. Prepare yourself LOL. No, it won't be that bad. I have so many things I want to talk about but I don't because somethings are just too private, that I don't want to share. So for the last like two weeks, I started to feel my back ache a bit more, than finally last week, it just started to become so painful, so as usual I'll tweet about it lol. It was pretty bad, it scared me at one point, the feeling of being an invalid, not being able to do things normally as I'm use to. Well its still stiff in the mornings, or if I sit for too long, Continue Reading