Today is one of many days to remember that has affected all of us in some way. 9/11 how can we forget, we can’t. Where were you when you first heard about the bad news?
I recall waking up, and hearing the sound of the DJ on the radio, the only thing is he didn’t sound like himself. he sounded so sad, and I wondered why that was, as he was always so bubbly and happy. So I listened for a bit and then realised what happened, I immediately got up and turned the TV on and to my shock! I just couldn’t believe what had happened. Omg I started to cry! Even now I still feel the sadness, and I know I will eventually have a little session.
I don’t like to have my blogs be sad, and I’m going to try to perk this one up, but I just wanted anyone who stumbles across this blog, to have at least remembered if even for 30 seconds.
I’m about to do some measurements on some items I’m going to post on Ebay. But I wanted to start this blog first. I figured I can bounce back and forth with the blog. It also gives me time to think of what I’d like to talk about. Like I said the other day, I have a lot of stuff, and my stuff was all over the room.
I did clean it up though, because it felt so much more cluttered than it needed to be.
I had a few lovely comments on my last post, you know I had that plugger thing, but when I changed my theme it disappeared along with a few other plug-ins than I just couldn’t be bothered to add it again, I’ll have to see about that. So thank you very much for leaving me a lovely comments, Melly, Vicky oh and thank you for the nice list :yes: , and Mahala, I will be paying you all a visit. Thank you again.
Phew, I had to walk away from the blog, I had to iron, measure and take pictures of four blouses, wow that alone took long lol. I’m glad it’s done, now I download the pictures, crop what I need to crop, and create my descriptions, fun stuff!!
I know it will pay off in the end, and I mean literally pay off :heh:
Anyway I shall be going, and I am going to leave you with a music video of a song suggested by Vicky, thank you so much !! It’s a great song! I’m going to check out all the songs If you have a song you would like to suggest, leave it in my comments, I will post one in my next blog post. Have a lovely weekend!
Glad you enjoyed the list of songs I left for ya =] I have plenty more where they came from lol. That Mr Bungle song is what my best friend and her partner play to their almost 5 month old son to get him to sleep.
Thanks for the little plug you gave me, it’s much appreciated.
I didn’t realise it was 9/11 til I read the news on my iPhone this morning. Then when I went to see my horses, a guy that lives in the village had the American flag at half mast. I don’t remember much from that sad day at all. I think it was the day after that I heard all about it. My Mum said that she was watching it live on the news when my Dad came in from work and asked her what film she was watching and she was like, it’s not a film. It’s the news. I think they were both pretty stunned. I think later on my Dad mentionned that one of his friends worked for marconi? and his office was in that building. But luckily he wasn’t in. Personally I can’t believe it happened.
Good luck with selling your stuff on ebay. My Dad is an ebay addict and usually gets into trouble with my Mum for buying silly stuff. She tries to ban him from using the internet and ebay but he always finds some way of splashing the cash haha. When he comes round to my apartment the first thing he does is open up ebay on my netbook.
Anywho I’ll leave you with a couple more tunes
Lacuna Coil – Closer (I love all their songs but if you can download their album Karmacode)
Papa Roach – Just wanna be loved – If you watch wwe raw you’ll have heard this before)
Vampire Weekend – A-Punk, Giving up the gun