That's right bull :poop: One of my commenter's was recently hacked, and they deleted all her stuff, poor thing. I've been hacked before, but not to the point of deleting all my files, thats just ridiculous. She didn't do anything, but blog, why would someone just want to delete her stuff like that. That is just wrong, wrong wrong :reallypissed:. Get a life!!!! Anyway, last night I didn't sleep enough (seems to be a pattern lately), so I am feeling tired. Should I take a nap? Hmm not sure. I have a lot to do, so I don't want to. But on that same not, I feel I won't be able to put in my 100% if I don't nap if even for a little while. Guess I didn't take the nap. I got distracted and then drank my cold coffee, I should go get more, that is what will keep me going :-P During my distraction I went to and made a page, so Continue Reading