I had a very mellow weekend. We didn’t do much until Sunday afternoon, we went out shopping a bit. Needed a few things, so why not.
I totally forgot to take these lights we needed to exchange I was standing in the kitchen thinking, hmm what did I forget? I just felt like I forgot something, and couldn’t think of what it was. So I assumed I didn’t forget anything, and just left, until we walked out of the shop and I said “the lights!!!” ahhh I forgot them :-| then William says ‘It’s okay’ well thanks William, at least he didn’t get mad because I forgot. Not that he gets mad because I forget or anything. My ex use to get mad at me for every little thing, I suppose that’s why I felt that he would get mad because I forgot lol.
I’m silly I know.
So I have been doing this eBay thing like crazy, and I know I have been neglecting my websites, I already updated Screenshot Exchange, so that’s all fixed. I do plan on making a new layout for it, I also am going to change the layout on my plug site iplugs.org go and plug your site if you ant, the link up there in the menu is for a plug board on this website, although I should add that to my sidebar shouldn’t I? Adds to the *to do* list
So the Patriots are playing today, they won last week yay! and they are going to win this week as well, Gooooo Patriots!!!! We listened to the Red Sox game earlier as we drove around, we didn’t hear it all, but they shut out the blue jays, goooo red sox!!!
Well I have some stuff to do here, eBay stuff and other little things, I know I won’t get most of it done, as I’m watching the Patriots play off and on hehe. Gooo Patriots :timeout:
Plugs: Vicky
@Mahala: Aww thank you, that is really sweet of you, yeah I’ve had pixelfx for quite some time, just have never had the time in my life to really do what i wanted with it, but yet still don’t want to close it. It desperately needs updating.
thank you again for the comment :blush:
I hate that feeling, where you know that you’ve forgotten something, or know that you’re going to forget something, and there’s just no way you’re going to remember it? Ughworst!!!
And I just realized, you have quite the network of sites!! You’ve had pixelfx for a while, am I right? I do believe years ago, that was my go to site for tutorials on several things And I never got to thank you for that!! So thank you, for having such an awesome and helpful site!