I can't complain, well actually I can, and I usually do because this is the place to do it lol, I'll spare the visitors the crappy part of life. I'm happy, my eBay stuff is taking off great, I know eventually I'll run out of things to sell, but I'll search high and low for more bargains, at the moment I am selling my stuff and friends stuff, there are some things we bought as well to add to the mix, and it's all going really well. I'm really happy about all that. I was able to sell the mannequin I accidentally broke, really the only part that broke which is one of the important parts, the hook connected to the plastic. It was the hanging type of mannequin, a torso form. Yeah, I was so mad because I couldn't hang it anymore to take pictures, so I had to sit it against the wall on something, so annoying. Anyway, so that is sold, and I Continue Reading