Well no i’m not doing a giveaway or a contest, but hey it’s a thought for the future. My personal blog is just that a personal online diary for myself. If anyone reads it great, and if not so be it. Although I do post to my other two websites, because I like to keep them active. But the reason for the title is, that I read one of my friends tweets on Twitter, and I thought to myself, that is exactly what I feel. It was basically saying that the person wa really into contests and all.
I am too into them suddenly, I don’t know maybe I am feeling a lucky streak? Perhaps.
Well just recently I won two contests, and I think it was about two months ago I won another. So it’s pretty exciting. I remember the last time I won a giveaway on a website, was while I was in England. I won a book, it was so much fun, I loved the book but when I moved back to the US I had to leave it behind and hoped my friend would post it to me. Well needless to say, that was sold along with my film collection which upset me pretty bad. I won’t even get into that, or this will be a drawn out rant lol.
So as for contests, I have recently got into the Zagg contest, where they are giving away stuff during the 12 weeks of Christmas,. so the first week it’s 12 things, then the 11th week its 11 things, and 10th week 10 things and so on. As it goes along the prizes get bigger, seriously some awesome stuff, I encourage you to join in check out the 12 days of Christmas at Zagg.com, seriously what are you going to lose?
I have been slacking so badly with eBay it’s not even funny. I really need to get on the ball about that. I don’t want to disappoint people hehe.
So I just seen a video trailer, and it looks like another funny one with Simon Pegg, so I wanted to share that. It’s called ‘Paul’
I am definitely going to be watching out for this one. There are a few good big actors in it too. Anyway I have tons to do, and my time is running out on me again today. It’s already going to be noon, gosh where does time go? Anyway have a lovely day and don’t forget to get in on that 12 days of Christmas!
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