I'm constantly forgetting my password for this managewp.com, it makes me laugh because it's been 3 days in a row I tried logging in and nothingness lol. So I finally broke down and used that very useful link 'password lost' or whatever it is. Anyway, I still don't know what my other password was, but I am in and that's all that matters. I can finally write blog yay! Wow I am just sitting in the room writing this blog, and I can hear the birds chirping outside, oh my gosh, spring is just about here. William told me it's been a sunny day all day, which makes me happy to hear, because inside the house it's rather cold. More so downstairs than upstairs, although it kind works the opposite way, as heat rises, so I guess it does make sense that it was hotter up here. I just confused myself lol. It was cold downstairs, so I thought the day Continue Reading
Archives for March 2011
Mini Mega Shop
Over the weekend we went shopping for an entertainment center, for our TV and other things people usually have. We decided to visit this store that was going out of business, but most of the things were gone. But my lovely boyfriend, bought me a camera case with a tripod, I love it so much! He knows I love taking photos, and this will be very handy. Isn't it so cool, we got like 30% off, really great price, I have a little case I carry mine in, but this is awesome, it will really protect it and all the little bits like the charger, now I can carry that with it, because there have been times my camera just lost all it's juice lol and I couldn't take any more photos. I had to resort to my mobile camera, and that just plain sucks! Seriously my mobile phone takes them slow, and not very good quality. So yeah a monster shop, even Continue Reading
Meme’s Are Us
I have noticed bloggers have been doing meme's lately, thus giving them something more to write about, when they get a writers block, which happens a lot to me as well. Being that the meme started on March 1, I think I will wait until April 1 to begin mine. The topic is 30 DAYS OF TRUTH, which will be interesting and also difficult to do, as I'm a very private person. But next month I will try to go through with it heh. Why did I talk about it now? Well to have something to talk about of course, and to hopefully embed this thought into my mind so that I do, do it next month. I came across it as I was looking at my twitter tweets, and I bounced over to Janet's blog, where I read up on her answers, and noticed that a few other people had done it as well, so I really thought, this sounds like fun. So heck yeah I'm going to do it :) If Continue Reading