Woo I’m so excited, after a year of no TV apart from what we pick up on regular TV we finally broke down and got cable. We had been holding out for FiosTV but it just didn’t reach us yet. And we can’t put up any digital dishes here, ugh whatever lol. Anyway, so now finally YAY! We can now DVR our shows, watch them both upstairs in our bedroom and downstairs in the living room. So very very happy. William and myself can’t help saying, ‘we’re watching TV’ lol. It’s just a silly little joke. But honestly, you miss out on a lot, when you don’t have the means. So we are very happy! Thank you Comcast!!
We had planned on going out to get a TV stand, because now we have like 3 components sitting at the smaller TV stand, so we need something a little bigger. But honestly I stayed up a bit late, and with the bad neck/shoulder, I seem to be tired more, how that happens I don’t know. Anyway, William was excited and ready to go look around, but personally I wanted to stay home and enjoy the cable a bit. I said let’s go next weekend, and we stop into the office to sign some papers that we need to sign. So that’s the plan for the rest of the dang weekend, couch potatoes FTW hahah!
So my niece Karen just had a birthday, I wanted to wish her a Happy 21st, gosh I can’t believe such a big girl, both of my nieces! I love them! But Karen is getting her own place, well with her brother, personally I don’t think that’s a wise decision, but hey maybe they are the best of buds. I had a little horror story with my brother at one point, that turned in to a mess. Enough said!
So I started a Bucket List, I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I just added an item. I have always wanted to go to Mardi Gras, so yeah that’s an addition to it. Anyway, I need to tend to Williams computer, so I will leave you here, have a lovely weekend everyone!
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