I have noticed bloggers have been doing meme’s lately, thus giving them something more to write about, when they get a writers block, which happens a lot to me as well. Being that the meme started on March 1, I think I will wait until April 1 to begin mine. The topic is 30 DAYS OF TRUTH, which will be interesting and also difficult to do, as I’m a very private person. But next month I will try to go through with it heh. Why did I talk about it now? Well to have something to talk about of course, and to hopefully embed this thought into my mind so that I do, do it next month.
I came across it as I was looking at my twitter tweets, and I bounced over to Janet’s blog, where I read up on her answers, and noticed that a few other people had done it as well, so I really thought, this sounds like fun. So heck yeah I’m going to do it If you are up for a meme, pop on by Janet’s blog, so you can see what it’s about, it won’t be posted on mine until next month, just a choice I had, I have things I want to get done this month, more like this week lol, but some definitely this month, and I don’t want the added pressures of a simple meme. I think people can understand.
As I look around this room, I see so much that I need to list on eBay and I’m slowly getting there, after I’m done with this post, I need to get to some measuring and taking some photos. Ebay is having 25 cent listing fee for only two days, and I would like to take advantage of it I also need to find something to send to my sister, her birthday is in April, but on that note, I would also like to find something for my two brothers, as my sister and my brother have a birthday in the same month, and this month oh goodness, is my grand nephew, my brother and my fathers birthdays, and sad to say also the anniversary of my mothers passing, always a sad month. I try to keep it happy though. I miss her. Anyway let’s keep on a happy tone here.
Ok so I need to make sure about my grand nephews birthday I could be wrong lol, won’t be the first time. Omg I was so right on target, it’s Jayden’s birthday today, my grand nephew, gosh that makes me feel older lol. Aww he’s gotten so big, he’s turning 4 yay Happy Birthday Jayden! Well getting this package of things to send my family out in California, want to make sure I get everyone Oh and April is coming so fast, I have to hurry and send March package out lol. Oh gosh! I love my family, and I miss every single one of them very much. But on that same note, I am extremely happy where I am with William
Ok well it’s time to close this, have a great week everyone, and I am out to go and enjoy the evening with my one and only true love William !!
I always try to do meme’s but never ever end up finishing them.