I’m not proud to say when I was younger, I did abuse alcohol way too much, partying all the time, all hours of the night, to the point that I got myself into trouble, and even hurt myself. I’m glad I’m not there anymore, and I learned my lesson. While some addicts have their loved ones backing them and guiding them to rehabs like the one at Legacy delray beach, others may not be so fortunate.I was lucky, I helped myself, but as I said not a lot of people are as lucky as I am. To this day, I have to watch what I drink, because I have always been one of those that likes to drink, and likes to drink to get a really good buzz going. Which means I won’t stop until 1. it’s all gone, or 2. i’m so drunk I can’t drink anymore. Sad isn’t it. So I do what is best, and just don’t really drink, it works for me.
For those with bigger problems, than I had, that can’t seem to stop, there is help, the Florida alcohol treatment has some amazing programs for everyone, of all ages. For everyone with a drug addiction, this is a fantastic place to go, they work with you on an individual case, so you don’t feel like you are just thrown into a group and they talk to you all at once, not here, they take you individual because after all not everyone is the same. You have to remember, this is a disease, and there is help.
When I was going about in my crazy days, I had no idea how much my family was being hurt, I suppose when you are you partying it up with friends, that’s all you think about, you don’t think how hurt and worried your family gets. I seen that first hand, and to be honest, I will never ever forget the way I made my mother cry, I don’t think I will ever live that down. But I know that I had the problem, I took care of it, and it made my family happy, and that’s all that mattered to me.
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