So I was reminiscing earlier today as we drove around, we took a nice drive around today, I had a nice time! Anyway as we drove around, we listed to the radio a bit, and usually I’ll want to listen to some rock, so I do what I do so best, I went switching around the stations and we came upon a radio station where they were playing the best oldies songs ever! As I mentioned earlier I was reminiscing. I was remembering when I was in high school and Jr. high school, and the school would hold the annual 50’s dance, omg I remember it so well.
When I was in Jr high I didn’t care much about it, but when I was in high school that was a whole different thing. I remember asking my dad to make me a poodle skirt and he did. OMG I have a photo somewhere hehe. Seriously, I remember going to thrift stores, trying to find a pair of oxford shoes, OMG do you remember those?
Okay maybe you were a bit young or not lol, but hey I loved it so much, wearing my hair up in a pony tail, seeing the guys in leather jackets and greased hair hahah, I felt like I was in happy days lol, it was such fun and happy experience. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to have that much fun, so now whenever I hear oldie songs, it takes me back to those times. So on top of all that, I come online and I stumble upon a website with all kinds of oldies songs, not only 50’s songs either, and what’s so cool about it, is the website has a very cool 50’s theme, you have to check it out, you can find my link up in the first paragraph.
Ahh what memories, omg I almost feel like crying, because some remind me of my mother and Mother’s Day is almost here, and it’s just making me sad. Ok Emily stop being all serious and sad now. I love my mother and I wish every one have a wonderful Mother’s Day even though it’s still a ways away. I think I’ll go listen to more cool oldies, and just reminisce about times when my mother was around and how happy those times make me. Have a wicked cool weekend everyone!
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