This is rather a little scary on my part, because honestly I have never been in an area, direct area pretty much of a hurricane, and I'm hearing his one is going to be pretty bad, probably worse in some areas, but today we were out, and people are really buying stuff to be prepared. Survival type of stuff, I mean we picked up a few things as well like an ice chest, since we didn't have one, as the power may go out, and we don't want our freezer items to spoil, so it's one of those 'just in case' type of deals! So I've heard a lot about hurricane Irene, she is suppose to be really nasty in some parts, I really pray that no one is hurt, much less die, and I hope the places they may get hit the hardest are super prepared. I know everyone is hearing about it everywhere so I should really stop now lol. Just one last thing, have you ever Continue Reading
Archives for August 2011
Drive-in and Fireworks
We had a great time at the drive in last night. We got to watch two great films, both of which we wanted to see. I have to admit, I was looking forward to seeing one more than the other, we saw Captain America, and Rise of the planet of the Apes, Rise of the planet of the apes was such an amazing film. I am so wanting that on Blu-ray! I enjoyed Captain America too. And during Captain America, somewhere far behind us, they were shooting off fireworks wow, it was pretty cool lol. It was an absolutely perfect night for the drive-in. The weather was so perfect, since it's been humid and hot lately, even at night. Last night was so perfect!! We couldn't be any happier, and no freaking mosquitoes, a few little bugs here and there, and we even smelt a skunk, haha, that was funny. Eventually that horrible smell subsided, thank Continue Reading
Where Is Summer?
This year, summer has been really goofy, the weather constantly changing. We seem to be getting a lot of tropical storms here, one day its gorgeously beautiful, the next its humid and icky, and then its raining, and cool. What a combination. I'm okay but gosh I would really love to see some normal summer weather (minus the humidity) lol. So we had this great weekend planned, but there was somethings that came up that were well priority really, so that had to be cancelled, funny enough it rains today. But it was going to be a Friday - Saturday thing, I'm not going to say what, but I know it was going to be so much fun. But you know I love my William so much, and am 100% supportive of his work, that I know these things will come up. He spent most of Saturday gone taking care of some business, I stayed home and did my thing. He was so Continue Reading