So when you are young, a teenager, or these days even younger than that, did you dream about being a model, I think at one point most girls and now boys do too. Did you ever get a chance to go to modeling camp, I’m sure they are super fun. I never did it, but sometimes I wish I had experienced that as a youth, well my youth is gone, and now there is a whole new generations of girls and boys that would love to do it.
As a girl myself hehe, most of us are very interested in fashion and I can’t think of a better way to experience it, then getting the opportunity to go to Modeling Camp even though I didn’t get a chance to go. There are so many opportunities at modeling camp. Like what you ask? well you can start by learning about fashion, photography and the design industry. How many of you would love that OMG heck yeah!!
Now I don’t have kids, but if I did, and one of them wanted to go, I would send them, it’s a life time opportunity, and something I would want them to experience. Cre8t Institue has 7 week courses to offer those 8-14 and summer camp for 11-18, yeah that is a very wide age range! Right after the drop off of the kids, they get right into it, they don’t waste anytime, why should you, kids are going to have such a great day at modeling camp, sure wish I had gone.
Take some time, check out Cre8tInstitute, view the photo gallery, and the wonderful informative video they have on the website, I would of embedded it, but I didn’t see how as it didn’t offer embedding choices, so pop on over there, and/or visit their facebook and pages and see what they have to offer, your kids will love you for it
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