Yeah Fall is definitely here. Oh my goodness I can feel it in my bones, literally lol. No joking. My knees hurt more, when it's cold. I can't really have the windows open anymore, although I have to say less bugs come inside, I'm such a bugophobic haha, you know what I mean. I hate bugs like no one has ever seen. I think if someone ever played a really cruel joke on me that involved bugs like spiders or crickets. I think I would have a heart attack. I'm not kidding you. I would scream and run around like a chicke without a head, that's just crazy, don't ever do that, because I'll hate you lol. So I briefly talked with William about this awesome new phone coming out the Samsung Nexus, I have a couple of videos to share, but the features oh my goodness, it rocks totally rocks. It's suppose to come out in November of 2011, and WE are so Continue Reading