Gosh October has just flown by. Where does time go? It goes way too fast, and I seem to always say this. So the last few days, I have been feeling miserable, with this cold & cough that won't go away, it sucks so badly. I'll get over it soon. William my sweet boyfriend has been so good, taking care of me. I hope he don't catch it. See boyfriends are good for something. No I'm kidding, they are good for so many wonderful things, and my baby has a lot of love to give, and vice versa. So I finally put kiss-me.org and on a closed status as I have moved my website to another domain, finally I can't believe I did it. And list-me.com is under construction, finally did that too, I really want to upgrade the script, and I'm finally starting the stages into doing that. I can't be 100% sure that I will be able to keep everyone listed, I'm Continue Reading