It's upon us, it's like tomorrow! Yeah Thanksgiving. This year we are going to Williams uncle Steve's house to have a super nice Thanksgiving dinner. I have never been there, so I will feel awkward as I usually do lol. I had a blouse picked out for Thanksgiving, I tried it on last night, and didn't like how it looked, so I was a bit disappointed about that. So have to pick another, which I'm okay with, it's a cheery looking blouse. Hope it's not too cold tomorrow or I'll freeze my ass off in it. I have been wanting to get another coat, for just going out, not really being in the snow or anything. Like going to dinner, and taking it off in a restaurant or house, you know what I mean. We ladies seem to want a coat for every occasion hehe. So anyway, since I may not be home much of the day tomorrow, to be quite honest I don't even know Continue Reading