Wow I just can’t believe how quickly it got here, super fast to be quite honest! Does that mean the faster it comes, the older we are getting? Because I could swear time went super slow when I was in high school hehe. I guess so. So today, we opened up day 1 of our advent calendar, woohoo this is so much fun. You know the reason I say it’s so much fun is because I never really got to do it as a child. We had our own customs, and well I’m glad I got to do something different. I do miss the old ways though, and if I could remember half of them, I’d continue doing them.
I spoke with my sister today, she told me that her doctor (that asshole), hadn’t scheduled her to see a specialist for a cat scan and x-rays. Well come to find out, she wasn’t referred because that doctor hand been fired, for God knows what. So makes me wonder, why wasn’t another taking on her case, or some kind of follow up you know? She didn’t find out she even had cyst until she went to the emergency room, my gosh, this can be life threatening.
It just pisses me off how careless some so called ‘caregivers’ can be. I swear if anything happens to her, I am going to sue everyone I can get my hands on for negligence. I told her she should find out about suing herself, her cysts have gotten bigger, this whole time she thought she was gaining weight, and it wasn’t that at all. It just make me want to break down and cry. I love my sister with everything I have, it tears me up that she lives on the other side of the United States Good Lord look over her!
Anyway, I shouldn’t leave this on a sad note. I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to go this way lol. So sorry! I changed my theme, and got a really cute Christmas one, hope you all like it. I better get off here, it’s getting late to have dinner. Happy December everyone, 3 more glorious days until my birthday! Woohoo!
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