I finally got my photography website up, I just have a partial gallery, I need to gather my photos, well at least the ones I want to use. But I’m excited about it. You can find that at lenscapture, isn’t that a great name for a photogrphy website? Well I am no professional by any means. I love to take photos, and sometimes, I get some wicked cool photos, and sometimes I don’t, you can do so much with a little digital, actually what I need to do, is learn how to use it better.
I’m sure if I learned how to use it better, I can get some pretty awesome photos. So if anyone has any suggestions maybe classes online, that would be a great tip. Like I mentioned it’s new, and I only have a partial gallery, but hopefully it will fill up over time.
Oh yeah, finally got the reseller all set up, and happy to have moved my collective thislove.nu, and pixelfx.org doesn’t expire until early next year, at that time I will move it, and change the theme and content. It will only be a tutorial related website, not my tutorials, just from other sources, I thought it would be fun to collect what I felt to be tutorials I would use. My personal blog has also moved, I’m hosting my photography website there. My listings website list-me.com won’t move until next year as well. I have stopped using kiss-me.org, as I’m going to clear everything out of there, hold on to the domain, and hope to sell it for more than I paid, because I’m sure its a website that can be in demand, so if anyone is interested, drop me an email.
That’s about all for now. Christmas is a very busy time of year, so I hope to finish moving some of my smaller sites over to my collective, we’ll see.
Oh yes I don’t know if I mentioned, but I am a troubles checker over at TFL.org now, and we are doing a Christmas card exchange, it’s my first one this year, and have like 10 people to send to already, waiting on 2 more, so I can send a bulk out. If you would like to do a Christmas card exchange, leave me a comment telling me, and I will email you to exchange address. That’s it for now, have a great rest of the week!
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