Ok so saying I ‘never’ get compliments on something, is going a bit to far because honestly everyone gets compliments about something at some time in their life time, even if they don’t remember, I am pretty sure they have. At first I was going to say I never got compliments on my smile, but I am glad I thought about it because even though I don’t get ‘as much’ compliments on my smile, I have indeed gotten them. Especially from my wonderful better half, William. And I am certain if I think back in time, I could find a handful of compliments about smile, if I really thought about it.
Day 12: Something You Never Get Compliments On
So in all honesty, I cannot think of anything I haven’t gotten a compliment on, even though the amount of compliments have been less than I would have wanted. For example, I am not happy with my teeth right now, and that makes me self aware when smiling. I know some people would probably say, just get them fixed, but to me that is easier said then done. Especially when you are having personal financial hardships. I need to get dental crowns, as well as invisalign treatment, and I will get to that eventually, I just need to make time for it. I already have the money, and I even set up a payment plan with my dentist. He’s really nice, and makes those appointments a lot less scary than you anticipate. I feel lucky I found an awesome dentist.
Living with my teeth crooked (front top) is partially my fault, not because my parents did not bring us to the general family dentistry clinic, and when I say my fault, I mean as a child growing up. I was constantly told not to rub my gums with my tongue, but I was such a stubborn little girl, that I did it anyway, never thinking it was going to leave a lasting effect, and it did. I remember being warned by the family dentist a bunch of times about what would happen, but well, I ignored everyone. Now I know as a child I didn’t know any better, and I’m not going to say as an adult I should know better, my teeth are relatively healthy I have a few cavities, according to the dental services I go to I will need dental implants, but other than that I should be fine. So naturally because of this I don’t smile as much as I would like to. As an adult, the hardship have prevented me from being able to reach a place in my life where I could afford them, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I know I will get them, and have that smile I have always wanted.
Rhia Roberts says
A smile is a beautiful thing no matter how crooked the teeth…because it comes from the soul.
Rhia Roberts recently posted ..Privilege
Prudence MacLeod says
Smile girl, every smile is beautiful.
Prudence MacLeod recently posted ..ROW80 Check-in #11