Wow this is an interesting question, I don’t really feel I have any kind of ‘Hero’ that I ever looked up to. So I really can’t say any hero let me down. Yeah I have had people let me down tremendously in my life, but none that I would put on a pedestal as to be called a ‘Hero’. There are people that I have looked up to, but never to that extent.
If I had to really pick a hero, it would of been my mother (God rest her soul), my mother was a wonderful person, very loving and affectionate, she was the heart of the family. After she passed away, the family fell apart, things were never the same. It saddens me to think of that, but it’s true. She was everything to everyone, we idolised her so much. Gosh I really miss her *sad moment* yeah, that would be my answer there.
So really in the end, I didn’t really have a Hero that has let me down.
Hey Emily,
I WAS thinking about the people in my life who have stepped in and “saved” me emotionally and then just disappeared. I guess they are like heroes to me. Some people just instinctively know when you really need a friend and they show up in the nick of time. I don’t like the disappearing part, but I’m coming to accept that I can’t see the big picture, the future, so I’m trying to enjoy the people who come into my life, however briefly, and either choose to leave, or, like your mom(sorry) get called home. Either way, I have to admit, the pain is sometimes excruciating! I just value each of them so much and get really attached to them “being there”.
Thanks for your thoughts today. It meant a lot to me!
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