Ok I love to take photos, I first started with just my mobile camera, and it took horrible photos, but once in a while I would get some cool shots. I just wanted to capture as much as I could through my lens. My boyfriend always asked me ‘why do you take photographs of trees’ lol, well because one of them is going to come out so cool, and I don’t want to miss it, I want to remember things, as I continue through my life. Then I got an iPod and used it, but since it don’t have a flash, that can only take good photos if the lighting is bright enough inside, or out, yeah cloudy days are not that great if you don’t have the right equipment to use.
Speaking of equipment, there is this fabulous place in Miami, Splashlight Miami, has an enormous 8000 sq. ft. property includes a Miami photo studio rental, an extensive equipment rental center, kitchen and lounge, woo imagine that, you have some amazing photo shoots there, although I am far from being a professional photographer, there are people that would love this up! The equipment is top notch, you can’t get better camera equipment rental anywhere else. You really must give this a go. If you are interested in checking them out, simply give them a call at Miami photo studio rental, 305.572.0094.
When I’m ready to do some professional photography and need a studio, I will definitely keep Splashlight Miami in my thoughts, they have top notch equipment and facilities, what else could you want in a studio!? Miami is known as a top fashion center, right up there with New York! Top models are discovered there, and some of the best model agencies can be found in Miami! Personally speaking I think photographers can be discovered there to, why not hey? Anyway give it a shot, pop on over to their website, and see what they have to offer!
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