I think everyone loves free stuff, when it’s handed to you no questions asked is even better, but not everyone is that lucky hey? But when it comes to sweepstakes, raffles, even the lottery, you can’t help but try, because if you don’t try, you will never know if you will win! Same goes for online giveaways, you aren’t required to purchase anything but simply do a few things online related, like follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and various other social media websites. I personally will do them when I can, and if I remember to go back and continue doing them.
For instance since last year I would follow along with Zagg.com and do their Christmas iPad giveaway, they would give an iPad away everyday for the entire month of December. Currently they are also giving away a Kindle Fire a day as well, and yeah, you bet your lucky stars I’m doing it every day. The odds of winning, well not great great, but again, if you don’t try you won’t know, and I want to know
Sure there are a lot of people that don’t have the time, or can afford their own, but there are also those out there that probably can afford it, but would still like to participate, not because they want the item for themselves, but perhaps for a child of theirs, or another family member or friend. I have a Samsung XOOM, I love it, I do. I wanted to win an iPad for my boyfriend, but it didn’t work out for me, I also have a NOOK, got that last year for Christmas, or was it the year before? Heh, not sure, but sure I would like to win a Kindle Fire, why not? I can give it my boyfriends mother, she loves to read, and I’m sure she would love it!
I really don’t know why I went on about this, I guess it’s because I decided to enter in one. Yeah the lovely Katherine over at Katherine’s Corner is having a giveaway, it’s going to be ending soon, but thought I would mention it. If you are curious as to what she is giving away, I guess you will have to go and visit her, won’t you? One of the many requirements was to follow her on Google+, I didn’t have an account, so of course I had to go make one, so if you are interested in following me on Google+ please follow this link gplus.to/missdavila, and I will return the favor, also there is Networked Blogs and Linky Followers on my sidebar that you can follow as well. Ever since they decided to close up the Google Friend Connect, people need other ways to connect, so there are some, hope to see you connect with me
Got to be in it to win it Emily. Good luck!
David L Atkinson recently posted ..Flash fiction – The lawn mower
Hi Emily great post good luck in the giveaway. I only have one “requirement” to enter that is to be a follower of Katheirnes Corner either through email, linky, google plus or facebook. All of the other opportunities to enter are extra entries.xo
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