I don’t read as much as I should to be quite honest. I think we all should read more than watching TV or being online, although a lot of people read online, so I suppose that is reading in a form. When I say read, I mean away from the computer, but then again on that note. I use my NOOK heh. Which makes it easier to hold if it’s a thick book I’m reading, or hardcover, those can be heavy as well. Being that this 30 Days of truth, and I’m not sure if I will be able to answer that question because my taste in books, well I suppose they can change my views on things heh, in a scary sort of way.
Day 17: A Book You’ve Read That Changed Your Views On Something
I read the book by Dean Koontz called False Memory, it’s been quite a few years since I read the book. This is what the website says about the book. You can read a plot summary of it at wikipedia here. It’s a really good book, and I don’t really want to give much away, you can read the summary there and decide for yourself.
But what I do have to say about this book is there isn’t many books that make me cry, but this one did. I feel it’s because of one of the scenes, the bath tub scene. It was just so sad the way things happened, and how she came to be there, and what lead to her demise, it’s all psychological, and the fact that you can so easily be mind fucked is what really got to me, it made me mad, upset, cry, and even thought it’s all made up, in a way things like that can really happen. So I guess that’s the best way I can explain how a book changed my views on something. Here is a great review on the book, that I came across *clickity*, I just may re-read this book again, although there are so many Dean Koontz books I need to catch up on
Emily says
@Rhia Roberts: Thank you so much I will definitely be grabbing the book I’m interested in reading it
Emily recently posted ..PixelfxOrg & KissMeOrg Are For Sale
Rhia Roberts says
I read a lot and love any well-written mystery book. My problem is that once I start reading I can’t put the book down (no matter that my children need food or that it’s 3a.m. and I have to get up in 2 hours etc.)
But I’m going to cheat a bit here…books that really changed my view on something are the ones I’m writing for 3rd-5th graders; writing books for kids takes more skill and thought than you first realize! Feedback on these books would be appreciated. The first can be downloaded for FREE at http://Dr-Rhia.com
Rhia Roberts recently posted ..Who You Looking At?