Did Mother Nature fool us again? Just when you thought, 'Wow Spring is here', we get hit with cloudy days, cold nights and possibly some rain! Come on my dearest Mother Nature, give us a some warm sunny days. I'm sure they will come eventually, but how about now? Don't be a big tease! Seriously, just when I'm telling William, "Heck yeah I'm ready for some BBQing", then suddenly the weather changes. I put on a sweater, close the windows and I'll probably pop on the heater so I stay warm! What a disappointment. I know what you are thinking? Why can't she just be patient? I don't have an answer!! Okay yes I do, and I already gave it in this post lol, but I will try to be a bit more patient *puts on sweater* I know the weather out here in Massachusetts, is going to be chilly, because the air is dry, and I get zapped every time I touch a Continue Reading
Archives for March 2012
Days of Truth – Day 19: What Do You Think of Religion? Or What Do You Think of Politics?
I'm not even sure how to start this, I would like to touch on both subjects, but I will just get angry and go on a rant which I don't want to do. Quickly, Politics sucks, Politicians, they are all crooks one way or another, enough said. Whatever, I'm not going any further into that. As for religion, well what can I say? There are many of them. I was baptised Catholic, am I practicing? No. Why? Well I can't say I don't believe in things, because I do. When I say things I mean Heaven and Hell, it does exist, some think we are living in it, but I don't think we are. I think Hell is much much worse than this. Heaven? I have no clue, I don't try to imagine either any more. When I was a kid I did. I was a devoted Catholic, well mainly because of the parents, they took us to church did all that stuff. Then it slowed down, probably because my Continue Reading
Listening To My Tweets! Pretty Cool, Hey?
I was browsing earlier today, and found an app on my Android phone, that allows me to listen to my tweets, I was like 'no way???', so I went to look and read, and decided to download it, and here I am writing my blog, as I listen to what's being tweeted on my timeline, isn't that just too cool? Hah, I thought so. If you are interested check them out at The Social Radio, it's kind of funny, because for some reason a few of the tweets were being read in a different language, and it just cracked me up. It even reads retweens, and gives web addresses. I thought it was kind of a kick myself. Funny enough, I was browsing for an app to be able to tweet a song now and then, and I came across this. I think it's pretty cool. I know sometimes I'm doing things, and often wondered what was being tweeted, and yeah I would stop what I'm doing and Continue Reading