I selected a film that made a big impression on me, it’s the first film I had ever seen Ellen Page star in, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, and she did an amazing job. This is basically about a 14 year old girl, Haley Stark (Ellen Page), who takes revenge on an Internet predator, a photographer (Patrick Wilson) she met on the internet, whom she believed to be a pedophile. Hayley flirts with him in spite of the age difference and proposes to go to his house. Once there, she prepares a screwdriver for them and Jeff passes out. When he awakes, he is tied up to a chair, and Hayley accuses him of pedophilia. Jeff denies the accusation, and Hayley begins to torture him in a cat and mouse game.
This was an explosive film, the changes in mood were sudden, this little girl was so brave to do this, or course I wouldn’t recommend 14 year old’s to do this, but this was a fabulous film, well made, both actors were amazing, it’s a must see. I’m on the fence about letting your 14 year old’s see this, I would recommend adults watching it, and then judging if they would want the kids to watch, it’s a very intense film.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and look forward to discovering some new blogs this week! Have a great week!
Ophelia London says
This movie looks so great. Ellen Page is awesomeness. I’m in the mood for something creepy cool this weekend.
Just hoppin’ by on A-Z. Cool blog, keep up the great work!
Emily says
@Damyanti: Give it a try
KarenG says
I’ve never seen this film but it looks very intriguing.
(I love the font here! Makes me want to just keep writing!)
Nice to meet you, and I hope you’re enjoying the Challenge!
A to Z Challenge Host
Emily says
@KarenG: Thank you for visiting, this is a really great film, I hope you get the chance to see it
Emily recently posted ..J is for Jeepers Creepers (2001) #AtoZChallenge
Damyanti says
Sounds like an interesting movie.
Damyanti recently posted ..H for He Stood Back: #atozchallenge Fiction
Emily says
@Damyanti: Oh it’s very interesting, I think you would be pleasantly surprised by it
Emily recently posted ..J is for Jeepers Creepers (2001) #AtoZChallenge
Laurita says
So weird to see this today. This movie has been on my mind constantly lately, and I haven’t seen it in a few years. It certainly makes an impression. Ellen Page was brilliant in it.
Laurita recently posted ..It was a dark and stormy night…
Emily says
@Laurita: Wow this is just another sign that it’s time you watched it
Emily recently posted ..J is for Jeepers Creepers (2001) #AtoZChallenge
Denine says
Hi – Great idea for a theme. LOVE Ellen Page. I don’t think I saw her in this movie (but saw her in the one about becoming a roller girl which I thought was terrific.) Thanks-I will have to check out…
A to Z Blogger #797
Emily says
@Denine: Fantastic, you should definitely see it
Emily recently posted ..J is for Jeepers Creepers (2001) #AtoZChallenge