I can't believe it's getting closer to the end of the A to Z Challenge, I can't say I won't be happy it will be over, only because I have felt like I had to do this, because I did commit, and I try to finish what I start, so on we go! Today is Q, I choose Quarantine it's a remake of Spanish film-maker Jaume Balagueró's [Rec] (2007). Balagueró wrote the original script for [REC], which was then adapted for Quarantine by American film-makers Drew and John Eric Dowdle (also director). I can speak, read and write in Spanish, so I probably could follow along with the film, although I have to say that sometimes, there have been some films that were made in Spanish but subtitled in English that I just couldn't follow, as they spoke way too quick for my brain to catch up. So I try to stick to English speaking films :) So what's this film about Continue Reading