I love to get freebies, free stuff, even product samples, why? It’s a good way to try things out, instead of buying something full size. Imagine buying something that’s expensive, and when you try it you don’t like it? What do you do with it? Obviously still use it, well if its detergent or stuff like that, but if it was like lotion or perfume, yuck I wouldn’t keep using it, I would give it away. So what better way to get free samples than free samples by mail 2012 or websites that give free samples away such as www.freecatcher.com, they have some awesome samples and freebies there. Oh and who don’t like a free movie now and then. Blockbuster gives away a free rental now and then, and what about free movie downloads? Yeah some are actually legally, look at Youtube for instance, they let you watch free movies, some are old, but hey they are free *wink*
So I popped on over to these websites, found some cool stuff, and now I’m watching a film on Youtube called American Zombie, it’s a silly movie, but I was curious as to what kind of tihngs you can find on Youtube. Well all-free-samples.com is more of a directory that has links to various websites that offer free samples and freebies, and you know freebies include full sizes? Yay I love it
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