Great so since I can't really sleep, I thought I'd come on and write a post and moan about it =\ If there is one thing that really irritates me is those nights which I cannot get to sleep, you can watch so much boring TV shows!! And on top of that heartburn too, UGH!! So I'm thinking what's tomorrow going to be like? Probably ruin my whole day, of course I will try not to let that happen, as I have (as usual) so many things to do. I probably could do some now since I can't sleep. Good idea Emily *pats self on back* I really thought tonight I was going to sleep good, but then when it came down to that hour when I say, 'Ok TV off, and sleep time' nothing happened, I lay there and all I do is blink my eyes, wondering why I don't dose off. Okay well enough complaining about that, I do have some coupons I need to cut out, and trash expired Continue Reading