Went on a shopping adventure with the boyfriend, I finally got my things for getting started with doing my nails, I’m really excited about it! I got a really great deal on the manicure table, it’s used, but in excellent condition, the wheels have some issues but William is going to reinforce them and they will be just fine. Again it’s just for starting, if it’s something I decide to take on as long term thing then perhaps after properly going to school for it, and getting certified then I can get a better one, but this one is just perfect! I guess it’s going to be kind of a hobby thing, and hey I can always do friends nails to get more practice in, as long as they are patient, BUT yeah I will definitely practice a lot first, even on myself
So we were out doing some shopping, stopped a few times at Dunkin Donuts for some wonderful Ice Coffee’s, went to Target and the Dollar Store, I love that place OMG I got some incredibly adorable Mother’s day cards, I just have to show you these, they are so cute, and they were only a dollar!!!
Cute hey? My phone died along the way too which was a bummer, because I wanted to take pictures of somethings. Anyway, so after that we headed over to Sally’s Beauty Supplies, and I picked up on some acrylic powder on sale 2 for $24.00 that is an awesome deal, as just one is $24.00, Score! But I did forget to pick up the nail files I need, so I’m going back tomorrow, and then will pick them up. Because I do need them. So I am getting organised, and it’s so much fun too. I’m really excited to start, but I ordered my brushes online and I have yet to get them
So I was looking at my nieces facebook page, and seen the most adorable picture of my grand nephew Jayden, I’ve mentioned him in the past, but haven’t for a while. He is feeding a squirrel OH MY GOSH so adorable, the little critter came up to him to eat, so cute! I had to share.
Omgosh isn’t that just too cute, you can see the little paws on that squirrel around Jaydens fingers, SOOO CUTE!!!
So it totally slipped my mind that yesterday was Cinco De Mayo, so I feel so bad. My sister texted me to say happy Cindo De Mayo, and I’m like, ‘We didn’t celebrate it, I forgot!’ but I wished her and Anna a happy one. They were having some yummy carnitas, I’m SO jealous! Ok well hope everyone had a good one, I better close here, before it turns into another book, Happy Sunday everyone, ttfn.
I wish we lived close so I could come and get my nails done I love acrylic nails, however I can barely afford to get them done
Aw, cute picture of the squirrel. I’m really surprised that he came that close. I guess they’ll do anything when their hungry, lol.
Have fun!
Carrie recently posted ..How In the World?