Well let me begin by saying, I’m not a mother myself, although sometimes I wish it would of happened to me, but it just wasn’t in the stars I suppose. I am an aunt and have seen my niece and nephews grow up to be wonderful adults. Now I am watching their kids grow up, so that would make me a grand aunt, wow that sounds old hehe. Right well being an auntie is as close as I got to be a mother. I recall one time, my mom and myself went to the mall with the kids, they were so cute and little, you know the terrible twos age around there anyway, and we were browsing in a store, and a lady at the counter said the kids were beautiful because they were/are *grin*, and she said you have beautiful kids, you know I loved the fact she thought they were mine, that I didn’t say anything. It was a really nice feeling, apart from that the kids would call me mom once in a while until they understood I was an auntie and not a mommy. Cute stuff hey?
As for my mother, well I truly deeply miss her, I lost her about 11 years ago, that’s 11 Mother’s Day’s that I had to be without her, it’s painful it is, I won’t lie. It’s no fun going through this day knowing she is not around, knowing I can’t hug her, and tell her I love her. But as time flows on by, I deal with it easier each time. I still light a candle for her, and I still talk to her as if she is here, telling her how what’s going on, and that I know she can’t stay long because she has others she needs to visit. It’s my little ritual. *sigh*
Today we were due to go to Catherine’s (William’s mom) to have a nice BBQ with Jaime (William’s sister), the twins (Madelyn and Jeremy, 3yrs old) and RJ (oldest nephew about 5 yrs old), but his mom contacted us early this morning that she was feeling ill and if she felt stronger she’d take her self to the hospital, well William isn’t having any of that hehe, so off he goes to his mom’s to help her out, take her to the hospital if that is what she needed, so plans were cancelled, I stayed at home, as I didn’t want to get ill again. I’m just glad he got some time with his mom.
He came back pretty quick was only gone about 3 hours. He’s been relaxing ever since, at least trying. Then he’s going to put some steak on the BBQ grill and we are going to have ourselves a nice dinner. Meanwhile I’m watching the DVD that came with my new nail file, that William surprised me with this week. I absolutely love it, the one I have is rubbish. Lol.
I’m excited to use it, wish my other supplies would hurry up and arrive already! On Saturday or was that Friday, think it may have been Friday, we went out and made a run to CVS, I picked up the cutest little bucket of nail polish, really adorable.
Plus I picked up an additional 3 nail polishes, yeah I’m trying to build up my nail polish collection, but not go to crazy on spending. Although with that said, I just adore the Essie Spring 2012 Collection, the colors are adorable, and I hope to get my hands on the set ;), the Essie Summer 2012 Collection is nice too. I’ll try to find photos to show you the two. But first here are the 3 nail polishes I picked up by Spoiled by Wet & Wild, I’d rather use the less expensive nail polishes to do my practices, then the expensive ones, but still very cute, right?
I know this is kind of a long post, but yeah whatever, there you go. I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day, please tell your mom you love her, or who ever is being your mom, be it an aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, even father, and also to those kids that have been adopted, remember they brought you into their home, have you love when your own abandoned you, so please remember them on Mother’s Day as well. I don’t want to get too technical on that last one, but I think everyone gets the idea of that. Ok that’s it for me, have a blessed day.
I chew my nails and don’t wear fake ones because I’m too lazy to take care of them (and history has shown I’ll pick at them as much as I chew my real nails), so I don’t use nail polish, but I often admire all the beautiful colors it comes in just the same. Those “Spoiled” colors you picked up are gorgeous
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