So I’m sure we all have been to a Carnival or Festival in our lives, and if you haven’t you got the upper hand after reading this post hehe. Anyway for those of you who have attended you know that some of those games at the carnival/festivals are hard to beat, aren’t they? Yeah I have to admit I have tried a few and failed badly, but not because I suck at it, but because those dang games are fixed!! Yeah not surprising hey? So let me tell you how you can beat them. I was reading the readers digest the other day, and found some cool tips that I am passing on to you!
The Balloon Dart Throw
The Scam: Sure, the darts are dull, but they are also much lighter than the normal ones you’d find in a bar. And the balloon are underinflated, which makes them harder to pop.
The Strategy: Don’t hurl the darts straight for the balloons. Instead, loft them in an arc for a better chance of catching a balloon.
Milk Bottle Pyramid
The Scam: You want to aim for the dead center of the stack of milk bottles, don’t you? The trouble is, the bottom bottles are weighted. So if you follow your instinct, and hit the tops, they’ll never fall over.
The Strategy: Ignore your noggin, and aim for the base of the bottom two bottles. Let the applause wash over you!
The Basketball Shoot
The Scam: When it comes to playing tricks, the carnival is second most to the Harlem Globetrotters. The rims are smaller than regulation size, and are shaped like ovals, the backboards are super bouncy, the balls are overinflated, and the hoop is often higher than normal.
The Strategy: Swallow your pride, and shoot underhand. A ball that arcs in for a swish will slip past the crooked rim.
Pretty interesting stuff hey? But even knowing this, we still like going to them Carnivals and Festivals!! I know I do, regardless of the scammed games, I love going! And look forward to it each year, I’m such a sucker!
I think I went to one when I was a really young child. I enjoyed it and won a goldfish lol! But yes, I’m fully aware that every game is rigged in some way
This is a good post! I dont go to these kind of things very often but when I do I cannot help but give these games a go. I have never seen the dart game but have seen the milk bottle stack a lot and this is something I will definitely be trying. I guess even knowing this they still have the upper hand but it might level the playing field a little. I know that when you get the hang of it they dont want to have you play anymore as they have signs up saying “only 1 win per person per day”……. as of yet I have never been that person!
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