Hey everyone, so yeah it’s that time again, Happy Halloween!!! I won’t be out getting candy, much too old for that! I am loving the scary films though, I can never get enough of those! So this isn’t going to be long, I just wanted to change my theme for Halloween, and say Happy Halloween to everyone! And to please be safe out there today/tonight.
Apart from the whole Halloween thing, I wanted to send out my prayers for everyone that has been affected by Sandy, she really unleashed didn’t she? I am in the East Coast, but thank God, that we didn’t get affected as much. We had a few trees down, a little light flooding, and power outages, but otherwise we are fine. Our power kicked back on pretty quickly. I know there are a lot of people out there without power, and it breaks my heart to see the devastation. The homes that have been lost in the fire in Breezy, it’s just hard to believe that so much destruction came from a storm. And it’s still over certain other states. I think it’s even hitting Canada now, so my prayers are with anyone that is in the path of the storm. Please take a moment and send some prayers to all those needy people, and if you are by chance in the affected areas, check on your neighbors, check the elderly make sure they are okay. But on that same not, DO NOT put yourself in harms way.
I just wanted to share the Google halloween logo if you haven’t had a chance to see it, it’s too adorable! You can go to google.com and view yourself, or click the image below and watch the video!
Ok well that is all for now. Blessings to all.
Sandy was definitely the most scary thing around this Halloween! On the bright side thought New Yorkers will bounce back, I was there during the blackout 10 years ago where the power cut out and it was nice to see, there were people with tattoos on their faces who looked like they were in gangs who were helping old people up stairs! They also managed to start selling “I survived the blackout” tshirts within 10 minutes of the lights going out which was impressive from a entrepreneurial angle.
I spent Halloween watching Paranormal Activity 2 under a blanket, you cant beat that!
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