That is correct, I'm sure you are all doing the same thing, trying to get ready for Christmas. With shopping for presents to decorating your house and trees to planning a Christmas at some wonderful secluded cabin in the woods where you will not be disturbed until after new Years, ahh how that sounds so heavenly. I can just picture it in my head, just blissful happiness! Ok back to reality now. So I just had a birthday, Happy birthday to me, yay! Don't ask how old I turned as you will never get the truth out of me hehe. It was great, the most important person in my life was there, William <3 and that is all that mattered. Since the family truck recently had some repairs done, I knew my love would be strapped for money, and the sweetheart still bought me something, bless his heart. What I was most excited about, besides Hello kitty Continue Reading
Archives for December 2012
Happy December & Happy Holidays!
Wow can you believe it? It's already here, December!! Wow! Have you started your Christmas shopping? We have, thank goodness. I didn't run out in the craze of Black Friday though, the boyfriend could not deal with all that noise lol. Yeah, I don't blame him. In the news some guy threatened to shoot another, what the hell is this guy thinking? Really for a TV, my gosh guy get a life, seriously! It comes so fast, it's just unbelievable. It was Halloween not long ago, and then Thanksgiving, before we know it, it will be summer again lol. Yeah it goes that quick. I'm looking forward to late spring, we are moving then!! Yay! So I have been behind with my subscriptions. So I am going to just show you what I got, and leave a link for you to check them out. So here is my November Ipsy Glam Bag, I loved it!! Interested go check them out at Continue Reading