Earlier I was browsing instagram, by the way I changed my username, it is now ’emmiie_’ yeah I don’t like underscores, but there wasn’t much left to select from, and I am not crazy about using numbers, but anyway. I came a cross a post, one of the girls posted about being the class of 2013, and I thought wow, that sure did make me feel ancient LOL. In numbers anyway, not like I look it, or feel it, okay I lie, I feel it a little, stiffness in bones and what not, I need to drink more milk!
So later in the day, I was reminiscing and I flashed back to when I worked for JC Penny, I really liked working there, I got to dress up everyday, felt like I was a business woman going to the office LOL @ me! Hah sorry that made me laugh, because it does sound silly. Anyway, I wore skirts and low heels and a nice blouse, did up my hair and make up and all that. So I though, I wish this website Pinstripe & Pearls were around then, I would of bought my stuff there, they have such amazing clothing, great prices, wide variety, best workwear for women. It’s a one stop and shop place, and they make it so easy to buy your work wardrobe online, that is the beauty of the internet, everything is at your finger tips, practically. No really it is, gosh it’s so so easy.
Let me show you some of the lovely things I would definitely buy. I usually get my dresses and for my brothers wedding I got this beautiful cocktail dress hire that everyone talking all night. Of course, I have to say, it all depends what kind of work you do, because bright colors in a funeral home isn’t going to cut it, if you know what I mean, so yeah it really depends what work you do, what the work environment is, and what the dress code, above all, is with the company, so check out my choices!
How can you resist this Leather iPad Case in Executive Hot Pink. Oh yes I am a fan of pink, I know i have said this many times LOL. I would totally buy this, it’s gorgeous, right?? See I told you, go and check it out! And for us plus size gals!! They have stuff for all of us too, check this out! A Plus Size Grey Herringbone Work Dress by Dea London. This is gorgeous, I would so wear this. It’s professional, but yet sexy, but classy too. A winner in my book. Love the colors, and the tie, just lovely.
Look at this lovely items, a Pearl & Crystal Rondelle Bracelet With Clasp. I’m a pearls kind of girl, hehe that rhymes, how cute of me. No really I am. I love pearl earrings, rings, and bracelets. Look at this lovely bracelet for about $16! I like it, I really do, it’s so elegant.
There is so many lovely things on this website, this would definitely make me look awesome at work, when I wear pearls I feel so elegant hehe. So what are you waiting for, go and check out Pinstripe & Pearls, fabulous things to buy!!
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