Hey so it’s been I’m not sure since last Saturday that I posted. I better check lol. No, I am wrong. I did skip last Saturday, but that is because I was very sick. I am much better now. I was so sick I had to be hospitalized. I know how scary right? I caught a nasty virus, not even going to get into that. But I am better now, done with my medication and all that good stuff, I feel I’m at 100% now, but I still need to do a follow-up, will do that soon, want to make sure I am 100%.
Oh yeah happy Friday the 13th, do you believe in all that superstitious stuff? I do to a point, like I do believe in ghosts, definitely do. I think I have had a few experiences in my lifetime, that I won’t recount or I will just spook myself LOL.
Had a good day today, somethings could have been better but as of 7:17 pm, all is good in this household. Staying off the roads though, never know lol.
So we did decide to try this vaping I have heard a lot of good things about it. We both got a starter kit, our first experience wasn’t that great. I believe the liquid may be too strong for both of us. We got 50/50 24mg, so we may have to go with less mg. Anyway, for my honey, we got what is supposed to be the equivalent of a Marlboro, and for myself, I thought I would get some Banana Cream Pie flavor. I like it, it really does taste like Banana Cream Pie, it is still a bit strong, so after this stuff is gone. We are going to lower the mgs to the next level.
So what do I think? Well, I still don’t feel the satisfaction that I do with a regular cigarette. I had some really high hopes about this. As I mentioned in a past post, I joined a forum to see what everyone has to say. I will be going back to share my experience but right now so far, it’s not what I expected, but it does taste good, and it is pretty much odorless, with no nasty-smelling cigarettes or ashes. As for my honey, since he felt it a bit strong on the throat, as I did, he isn’t really vaping. I am doing it more, he will take some of the ones I use at times, but to be honest, I don’t think he will continue with what he has, as it is not enjoyable.
The two kits combined with some e-juice came out to about $100, I have heard of other people paying outrageous prices, wow. Hardcore people hehe. Seriously though, people will buy what they like right? I think I took a picture of my kit. I will show you what it looks like, it came in a nice little zippered pouch, which I love. I am vaping as we speak, and I still don’t feel the satisfaction, I wonder if that will change when we lower the mgs. We’ll see, take a look at my kit below.
The light pink portion is the battery, the middle clear hot pink portion is where the e-juice goes in, and then the tip is where I smoke comes out. Cute huh? :) And the pouch of course, and USB, and wall adapter as well, they also send an extra battery and another clearomizer (hot pink portion) I believe that is what it’s called. I don’t vape a lot, but I am trying to vape so I use up all the ej-uice, and we can get some other kind. The place we went with was High Deseret Vapes, it came pretty quickly, and I’m happy with what we got, it’s a good starter kit. This is the kit we got eGo-CE4-Kit, each kit ran $42.99 not including the e-juice, which was separate, but we ordered it together.
When I smoke it for a while my throat gets used to it, but when I stop it is a bit harsh on my throat, and I have to get used to it again. Since I was in the hospital, I didn’t do much vaping. I waited until I felt better, so I guess I have been vaping off and on for about a week. We’ll see how things go.
Ok well, I think that is it for now. I am tired, I posted a blog on my other personal blog and I am tired now. I just want to watch a film and chill. Have a great weekend.
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