There are quite a few TV show finales happening. I just watched Big Brother Finale and I knew that Andy would win. It aired last night, but I can’t stand commercials, so I DVR it and watch it during my lunch It was quite a season, I disliked Amanda, not for her way of playing, but her personality, she claimed not to be a bully but she was, she was like a big brother stalker to Elissa lol, but Elissa did the right thing and laughed it off. In the end. I am glad Amanda was voted off, wish it would of happened sooner. There was a lot of racist remarks being said, which was a big no no and they will feel it now when they are finally going home. They made their bed, now they lay in it I say. Over all I enjoyed the season.
Dexter is about to have it’s finale this weekend, this is the series finale, no more Dexter, I am so bummed out about that, but then again, really how far can you go? People killing, he kills them, etc etc. I believe it has ran it’s course. How it will end, we’ll see on Sunday, well most will see, I won’t see it until Monday, so you know I am not reading Twitter or Facebook, anything that comes close to revealing what happened, I am not watching. I want to be surprised. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have. I’m really excited to see how it ends. I’m kind of on the fence with the whole Hannah bit. On one hand, it’s awesome he found someone that can understand him, and perhaps they can have a good future, but on the other hand, if Dexter pisses her off, she’ll kill him LOL. And what about Harrison, I would hate for him to turn out like Dexter, if Dexter gets killed off by that lunatic Saxon. He’s a looker but hey looks are deceiving. We’ll see how it plays out.
Last night we watched the season finale of Siberia, it’s a really good show IMO. When it first began, I was a little disappointed, but as it went on, I got into it, and I’m like wow wtf? Lol. I think it grows on you, but I have enjoyed it, and it will definitely be a show I continue to watch. I’m still not quite sure if it was all a set up, or if was planned. In the season finale, the reality shows host shows up, and we had assumed he died at least I did, plus he says ‘You aren’t suppose to be here’, I’m thinking where the f*ck are they suppose to be? Dead? LOL. Guess we’ll know more next summer.
And the finale for Under The Dome, was this week as well. I was hoping to read the book first, but when I seen this was made into a series, I thought “Oh well” Haha. I wonder how good the book is? I am still kind of curious, just may give the book a go as well. All kinds of craziness going on. But I am really liking it. I was wondering before the season finale, if it was the government or aliens, and well now we know it’s aliens or is it? Thankfully we will know more, as it was renewed for another season yay!
I’m sure there are more that have had season finale, but I can’t think of any more that we watched. I’m looking forward to the return of the Fall TV shows, woohoo! Have a great day!
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