Oh my gosh, I am still waiting for spring to really arrive, I feel like I am always complaining about that, but I am so over winter!! I know, when the real hot weather comes, then I’ll be complaining, buy oh my gosh. It’s been super windy last few days, plus a bit of a chill. Ugh I am so so over winter!! I have seen signs of spring though, which does make me happy, and I know it’s not too far away The birds have begun chirping, things are blossoming, but yet, it’s windy and still chilly.
I have been really busy lately, just the last two days have finally been just relaxing, reading a few things on websites. But since my last post, I have been working on my other websites, and by the time I finish doing some work I have to leave for the day, and then I get no time to post anything. I know, there is no excuse! But really there is lol. For those that have read my posts before, you may recall that I mentioned my website directory, well I am happy to say that it has finally re-opened! Yay I am really happy, because for the last 2 years it has just sat there, and no activity. Honestly, way too much time.
So if you are a blogger, have fanlistings, a collective, any type of non-commercial website, I urge you to go and add your website to the directory. Linking back is optional, but always appreciated. So please got check it out, there is a new layout up, and it’s very simple and easy to get around, go now http://www.list-me.com, I look forward to seeing more submissions. This year it has it’s 10th year anniversary, I still cannot believe I have had it that long! Wow right? Pretty colors, so perfect for spring right?
In addition to that, I had been sorting out my fanlistings, I’m sure you seen I posted about that as well. I am closing about 31 of them, it sounds like a lot and it is, but they are mini sites, that are so so easy to take care of. You can find all that at my website collective and that is at http://www.thislove.nu, please take a moment to visit. I just recently changed the theme there as well. It’s very pretty I think.
There you go! So that is what has been keeping me busy, not going to go into what I was doing on ThisLove.nu, as you can read that on that website. Just another reason to get you over there hehe And then in my personal life, I am still going strong with my diet, I have lost 32 pounds, I am so super happy, I have a long way to go though, more about that on my other blog at http://emily.nu, no screenshots of that website, a link will suffice. That is my diet blog, and just random stuff blog. If you are interested in my dieting, then follow the link there.
I guess that is it for now. I will be posting a few more blogs posts soon, as I am reviewing a couple of things, fun fun right? See you next time!
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