I know it’s late in the week, and I should have posted over the weekend, and we are almost into the weekend again. But I was not 100% happy with my weigh-in, I gained weight, but I’m not really upset with myself, because I know now what it is I did wrong.
Even though I had enough calories for the food I was eating during the week, I overcompensated, thinking that I had enough calories and that should be fine. I was WRONG and perhaps a lot of other people do the same thing and make the same mistake as I did.
I learned that even though for instance say I have a lot of calories left at the end of the day for dinner, it does not mean ‘hey I can eat more’, it doesn’t work like that, you can be sure you will gain weight. You need to be strict especially at night, to NOT eat a lot, because you are not moving around as much in the evening, so you can’t lose much unless you’re a fitness freak that immediately works out after eating. That is on you, but specifically talking about myself, this is what I discovered.
So really, I am still learning a lot as I am going along my journey to lose weight. I hope my weigh-in this coming weekend is better. I have also changed my calorie intake and lowered it, it is now at 1,460 calories a day. This was calculated by the MyFitnessPal app, which I am fine with that, I can still eat and not completely be starving, as long as I stay above 1,200, I am good. I think lowering my calorie intake will make me more careful about what I am eating.
It’s a hard lesson to learn, and I honestly didn’t want to gain any more weight, but it happens, and it’s all on me, and it’s up to me to do the right thing. If I am ever going to get to my goal. According to the MyFitnessPal app, it states I should lose 2 lbs a week, I don’t know if I will make 2 lbs but I am hoping for a minimum of 1 lb.
In my about section, I have a meter that shows my weight loss progress, I haven’t really done much with the page, but I think I will start putting in how much I lost each week since I first started posting about my weigh-in.
I think that is about it for now. Wish me luck on my journey *fingers crossed* I don’t make the same mistake twice.
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