This past weigh-in was a success, but at the same time, I feel it could be a false negative. I say this based on what happened last week if you recall. On Saturday morning, I weighed myself and I weighed 305 lbs, now according to my last weigh-in, I lost 5.7 lbs, which seems like a lot to me. I didn’t do anything significantly different from last week. So I was pretty shocked when I saw 305 lbs. I’m almost scared to weigh in Saturday thinking it’ll be back up to 310, I’m having a hard time really passing into the 200s. But I am not giving up. I’m really happy with what I see going on, to date I have lost 40.6 lbs, and that is a big accomplishment for anyone obese that is trying to lose weight. Yay, go me!
Back before I decided to get on a diet and change my lifestyle, I felt I was really hitting rock bottom. I am on the computer a lot, so I am sitting a lot, and I need to be in a comfortable chair. I had been using my fiancé’s computer chair, well one of them, we eventually needed a new one. So off we were to Staples, to see if I could find an ample one. I sat in one, felt good, was an excellent price, and we took it home. For the next few weeks, it became uncomfortable, the fat on my hips hit the chair and I just couldn’t use it anymore. So, the love of my life said we’d get another chair for me. I shopped around online (most obese people have to shop online, it sucks I’m telling you), and found a chair, for $200 or a bit over, and it was for a large person, like my size large or larger. Okay well, it arrived, was put together and I was in heaven.
Over another period of a few months, the chair kind of broke. Since I’m sitting a lot, the hydraulic cylinder just didn’t work anymore, so it’s messed up, but not completely broken, because I just have to replace the cylinder and it will work again. The thing is, when I was using it, it made me lean forward, so it was putting pressure on my knees, which is not good. I would get up, with an achy back, knees, and hips.
Right, so during all this time is when I finally started my diet. After being on the diet for a while and I started to notice changes in how things fit, how I felt. I decided to start using the other chair again. I am so happy to say that I can sit on it, and my hips are not hurting anymore, as I lost fat in that area I suppose. I am happy about that, more than you can imagine. There are so many things I can do now, that I was struggling with before.
Getting into the car was a little problem, but got better after we got a new car, but still had a little problem as the car was smaller than the truck we had. Well, now I get in without a problem, I don’t have to lift my ass as much to put the seat belt in, yay again!! Going up and down the stairs is a lot easier, with no huffing and puffing midway. Gosh, I can’t tell you how happy I am.
And you know what makes it even better? Is having someone like William by my side, being 100% supportive. My journey is not even halfway done, but I know in time I will get there, and I plan on staying there. I want to do things with William, and enjoy life like I never have. I think being overweight most of my life, I really haven’t experienced life as much as I’d like to. That is all going to change little by little.
I just went on and on. There are probably lots of little stories like that I will share here and there. But that is it for my weigh-in for now, till next time!!
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