So this wasn’t such a bad weigh-in, but I did gain, not a lot though, which I am happy about. I gained .04 lbs, not bad right? No, it’s not, but I didn’t want to gain anything at all. I’d rather not lose anything, than gain. But it is only 0.4 lbs, which is a big relief! I’m starting to eat regular meals not so much Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones, I don’t even like Smart Ones anymore, they just don’t have a large enough variety. Healthy Choice is another I like. But I don’t like having to spend extra money to get my meals. I have to learn to stay under my calories, when I eat everyday things, but on that same note. We try to buy things that are low in calories, like Salad Dressing, the kind I use now is only 15 calories for 2 tablespoons, nice right? So I try to look for things, that won’t break the bank so to speak :D And there you Continue Reading
Archives for July 2014
Summer Days, Losing Weight
Oh my it's been a bit since I posted, but I am back. I have recently wanted to start up with my video making, I haven't done one in months. I miss it, but for those who keep up, know what that is all about. I am also doing the dieting thing. Which by the way is going great, I have lost over 50 lbs already, isn't that just fantastic?? Even if you aren't impressed, I am. And that is the only 'real' person that counts! I am keeping track in two ways, using MyFitnessPal, that is life saver, but I also post about it in my other blog. It helps me keep track. I started doing my nails again,but not with glitter, I have just wanted to enjoy the nail polishes I have. Which I just scored on some at Walgreens this weekend. I have printed off $1 off coupons, about 6, with my Williams help of course, and they were on sale $4/2, so I got them at a Continue Reading
Weigh-in #14 ~ Keep on Trucking
I’m not really post-dating, I did weigh in yesterday morning, and it’s Sunday today, so I am kind of post-dating the date. I usually call it posting about it over the same weekend, so yay! Even though I put yesterday's date, just for my own records, so I don’t get confused. I’ve been doing reasonably well, until Friday, when I goofed up. William texted me and asked if I felt like having a Subway, sandwich and I thought yay great! They have healthy sandwiches. We had a Subway sandwich a few weeks before, he asked me to email him what I’d like, and I am always a stickler for details and getting all the calorie counts. Well I waited until the last minute and I hadn’t done it yet, so I checked my email and copied an old email and sent him it, even though I read it said Teriyaki Chicken and that is yummy and I knew it would be. I glanced at Continue Reading