So here I am again, post-dating my weigh-in. I don’t know why I do it, I should blog about it as soon as I weigh in, but so many things come up right after, then before I know it, the week has passed. Sorry, but I will do the post-dating just to keep it on track for myself.
So last week I showed you the photo of the blouse, and it arrived this week, I tried it on just to see how much I have to go. I got it on, but I know I have still a lot to lose before I can actually be wearing it, it’s even more beautiful in person. Anyway back to my weigh-in, here is this week’s photo!
I know for some it may not be much to be losing, especially when you compare me to an extreme weight-loss person, I would do it, but I don’t think my life story is sappy enough. Oh yeah I lost 0.7 lbs, as I mentioned it is not much, but at least I didn’t gain, so that is a big plus, and keeps me content, not overjoyed, but content.
That is about it for me! Till next time
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