I’m not really post-dating, I did weigh in yesterday morning, and it’s Sunday today, so I am kind of post-dating the date. I usually call it posting about it over the same weekend, so yay! Even though I put yesterday’s date, just for my own records, so I don’t get confused.
I’ve been doing reasonably well, until Friday, when I goofed up. William texted me and asked if I felt like having a Subway, sandwich and I thought yay great! They have healthy sandwiches. We had a Subway sandwich a few weeks before, he asked me to email him what I’d like, and I am always a stickler for details and getting all the calorie counts. Well I waited until the last minute and I hadn’t done it yet, so I checked my email and copied an old email and sent him it, even though I read it said Teriyaki Chicken and that is yummy and I knew it would be. I glanced at it and read that it would be 500 calories for it. I was oh so WRONG :( but I didn’t realize this until after I ate it all. Afterward, I remembered I ate half for dinner, and the other half for lunch the following day. I felt like such a friggin’ idiot!
So for my daily calorie count, I was over by almost 500 calories, I thought, oh no!!! I’m going to gain weight, but then on Saturday I weighed myself and didn’t gain, but then again, I just ate that on Friday, so I probably won’t gain until this week, so hopefully I can make up those calories, I really need to get a treadmill! I dread walking out in the humid weather, although it would make me sweat profusely LOL :P
So here is my weigh-in photo, I lost 2.8 lbs, which is good. Wish me luck on the next weigh-in!!
And there we go. You know, even though I did exceed my calories, it was a healthy sandwich, but it was sooooooooo good. My mouth is watering while I think about how good it was haha ^^ I guess that is it for now. I don’t seem to be posting on here much, except for my weigh-ins, this isn’t supposed to be just a weight loss blog, it’s my other little corner I can escape to. Anyway, I’m going to go, I may go have some Cantaloupe, that sounds quite refreshing at the moment. Til next time ;)
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