I’m embarrassed to say that I got really behind, so I had to post-date my last weigh-in, and then post this one. There is just so much going on. And it’s not so much with my life, but with the world. Just this week, they have Ebola in Atlanta now?? What is going on, why would the government risk our lives like this? Are they so certain they have a cure? I’m worried and getting worried more each day to the point, we are prepping, and why do you ask? Because you just don’t know! We are beginners, and all that, I am not going to bore you with that stuff. Maybe I’ll start another blog, just for that.
For now, let’s talk about my weigh-in. I’m happy with it, I didn’t gain, yay!! I lost 2.2 lbs, woohoo! I am right on the nail with my weight loss, according to plan, I hope, no I will lose 100 lbs at the end of my dieting year! Woohoo! I can’t wait to get into wonderland Now let’s take a look at the photo!
There it is!! So happy I’m on the right path. Where I found the self-control I wish I knew. I wish I would have found it 20 years ago. But better now than never!!
You know what is awesome about my journey, is having William next time me, cheering me on, and 100% supportive. I prayed for someone like him, and I have been blessed. I do wish I’d been blessed with little ones too, I feel cheated, but I do have him, my cat, and my fish! I am truly blessed. Thank you, Lord.
That is it for me now. I’ll see you all soon, hope you are enjoying your summer.
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