I have done a comeback, and that is good, it means I can recover and my own pep talks are helping, thank goodness for that. I suppose everyone has slip-ups and I am not an exception. I know this is going to be a struggle, and I know I will get to a place in my mind when I am going to be triumphant over this, and it will come as second nature to me. Thank goodness. So for this weigh-in, I lost 2.4 lbs, exactly what I gained last week, so really I haven’t moved anywhere, wait actually, I have, even though I haven’t lost more. At least I am not gaining, right? Now for the photo.
I’m glad I am heading in the right direction. I just got to keep it up. I can do this, thank you for all your silent supporters, I know you are there, and I appreciate it.
Till next time
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