Goodbye October, Hello November, it is sweater and boots season, yay! I love sweater season, it is fun to just get bundled up for the cold season. Last week it had been raining off and on, very dreary weather, but today it was sunny but chilly, we went out to the mall, walked around, stopped into Bath and Body Works, picked up some goodies, I will be doing a haul video for it hopefully next few days!
I have to be honest, since moving to Massachusetts, I never went into a Bath and Body Works shop, I would usually just order online,but this year I asked my honey, if we could, and he agreed, and got a few candles, really happy with our purchases!
I’ll turn out adding another photo after I make my haul video, once I finish posting this blog. So for Halloween, where we live not a lot of kids come around, but we had still put up decorations, on one of the doors we had this cool door sheet thing, check out the photos.
I thought it was so cool, looks so realistic, pity, the kids came to the other door LOL. The way this place is situated, the back door faces the street, so people think its the front door, and the back door faces other townhomes and a center grass area, suffice to say, they came to that door, which is just fine. Last year they came to both so we are walking back and forth for each time the kids came to get their goodies bags. All in all, i really did enjoy this Halloween, we are trying to enjoy the holidays more than we have before, because to be honest, life is going by so quickly.
Also for October in support of Breast Cancer, which should be all the time, the support that is, and will be, I did a Breast Cancer manicure, then I did an Ombre with purples, wore that for awhile then decided on adding some Halloween design, and lastly some pink glow-in-the-dark polish, which I am wearing now, and plan to do a little design, just to add to it, had a lot of fun! These nail designs could go perfect with your Halloween costumes! Check it out below, i think it came out cute myself.
So now we are on November, and are we ready for the holidays and the shopping? No I am never ready, but I do try to get my honey to start buying Christmas presents, so we are not running around all crazy like. And definitely not doing the Black friday thing, maybe online, but not out there, seems to get crazier and crazier each year! Anyway, I hope you are all safe out there when doing your shopping, actually extra safe, because I am sure you are careful everyday. Anyway that is it for me, see you all next time.
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