It is hard to believe that Summer is halfway or more gone. Nooo I have actually really been enjoying Summer. After losing a lot of weight, the heat and humid weather has become a bit more bearable. I am thankful for that. I am although struggling to lose more, it seems like now, I just look at food and I gain weight LOL.
Two weeks ago, I lost 6 lbs great right, then the following week I gained a pound, I blamed it being that time of the month, with bloating and all, but then this weigh in I gained 3, so I am really bummed. I am going to have to be stricter than before, or I will get no where. I won’t be able to achieve my goal this year, so I am just going to have to do the best I can, and take it a day at a time.
So apart from that, I am just doing the same stuff as usual. My YouTube channel over at PrettyThingsRock. I am now part of a Facebook group for all the Dollar Tree lovers out there, check it out, and come join DollarTreeONLY, it is bascally a group where you can share what you buy at Dollar Tree, and believe me there are some pretty great things I personally have found there. Brand name items, yeah that is right, so if you are interested, drop by and join. There are giveaways and other fun little things we try to do to make it a fun place to check out from time to time. See what’s new out there!
I do have some stuff I want to put on ebay, I have said that before, and I have slacked on that, but I really do need to sell some stuff I have. Other stuff will just go to Salvation Army. That isn’t counting some bins I have of things, but I think I am going to go through them, and just keep what I really think will sell, and the maybes can just go to Salvation Army. Wish me luck with that
Ok well that is it for me, til next time.
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