Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you enjoyed your meals yesterday, surrounded by friends and family! We had n awesome meal, William cooked, he rocked it in the kitchen! Check out this awesome Turkey!
Does this look good, you can appreciate it more in person
As for Black Friday, yeah I do the online shopping experience in the comfort of my own home, more than I do, in store, not during black Friday, just too crazy, rude, obnoxious loud people. I still do some Christmas shopping in stores, but not on the day!
I am spending the day, just relaxing, trying to catch up with my videos on YouTube, and looking around for some black Friday sales, I almost found an awesome glitch, but they fixed it before I could check out lol. I found some cute things at Target Dollar Spot, I wish I could get there more often, but that is how it is with only one car, it sucks haha! Check it out!
The last thing i wanted to mention for today is, that I finally put up a lil cooking video, not much, but I was asked to do one, so I said why not, it was fun, it is How I Make Cauliflower Rice, check it out, link is right here. I will be adding them randomly, no set schedule.
Well that is it for now, I will need to be religious with my walking after this Thanksgiving holiday, hope you all had a nice one, and I will be seeing you all soon. Happy Holidays!
Happy late thanksgiving and Merry early Christmas to you as well, I actually used to be a fan of your blog awhile ago and am glad I found it again. I am glad your thanksgiving was good, I don’t go out on black friday either and I hate the crowds and rude people as well. I think the only black friday I actually went out on was two years ago and I was dragged there by a friend of mine.
Jolene, thanks for the Christmas wishes, same to you hunni. I honestly have never gone out on a Black Friday, don’t think I will anytime soon, it is just too crazy!Happy holidays, thanks for the comment